Thursday, 18 February 2010

Soul Calibur

Developed/published by the fantastic Namco, and released in Europe on December 1st, 1999, Soul Calibur is often cited as the greatest fighting game of all time ever to grace the Dreamcast and many would argue ALL gaming consoles. It needs no introduction suffice to say it is a beat 'em up pitting the player against a host of colourful characters.
I hang my head in shame when I admit that I shunned this stunning game back in the day. I was firmly in the Tekken camp, that other popular (and in ways inferior) fighter. I can only hope that in recently buying Soul Calibur and enjoying every bruised minute, that I have gained some gaming polish to clean my tarnished joypad.
All the characters from the arcades are present from the cool Nightmare and the disturbingly sexy Ivy through to the hulking Astaroth and mad as a lizard Voldo. Every one of them is faithfully drawn and have stunningly beautiful sets in which to scrap it out.
Also available are the various modes; Mission (Story) mode, Arcade, Team Battle, Exhibition, Survival and Training all offer different choices with the chance of unlocking new characters, clothes, etc. Players are also able to earn gold to upgrade weapons and buy flashier garments. Its very involving and nothing feels like a chore to accomplish.
This delightful title is another gem that can be bought for the price of a few beers (my copy cost £2, even less than ONE beer) so what are you waiting for? If you own a Dreamcast but don't have Soul Calibur then you either despise beat 'em ups or can't recognise a bargain in a bargain shop filled with bargains! Fabulous game 10/10

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