Thursday, 4 February 2010

Sega Rally Championship 2

When Sega launched the Dreamcast in 1999, some corners of the gaming world scoffed at the thin choice of launch titles on offer. The games giant badly needed a great game to swat away the consoles doubters, so when Sega-AM3 (a division of Sega's games developers) released Sega Rally Championship 2 on October 14th 1999, big hopes were hoisted onto it. And true to being a creative force, Sega pulled it off in great style.
With a huge arcade following, Sega Rally Championship 2, made the jump to the Dreamcast effortlessly. It looked great and played great, scooping another victory for home videogames.
The only criticism that could be aimed at it was the fact it only offered 3 different stages (desert, forest & mountain) but this was countered with the variety of modes in the game; 10 year championship, time trials, arcade mode, quick race. Plus the chance for petrolheads to tinker with the rally car's engine, tyres, gear ratios, etc. The 10 year championship was the meat of the game, which had tons of races and good solid gameplay.
I got this title almost on launch day and can still remember being agog at the lush visuals and satisfying driving 'feel'. It was a relatively easy game to beat but it was definately a tough cookie to fully master. You had to pay attention to every twist and turn, every bump and water hazard, to reach the FINISH line in tact.
I still pick it up to this day for a blast around the tracks, and eventhough the likes of Dirt on the Playstation3 have over-taken Sega Rally Championship 2, nothing can take away its gaming pedigree.
Had it not been for this wonderful title, rally games would be a lot poorer today.

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