Developed by Sega-AM2/AM4 and published by Sega, Daytona USA 2001 was released in Europe on 11th May, 2001 and is a cracking conversion of the immensly popular arcade game. Candy colours, fast cars, excited voice-overs, great racing circuits, it all adds up to what Sega does best, creating near arcade experiences for your living room. Anyone with a Dreamcast probably played this title, even if they weren't a big racing fan. I definately did! I remember getting this on launch day then crowing about it on Dreamarena like most over eager gamers did back then.
Okay i'll be the first to admit that handling of the cars took a little getting used to but as there are options to tinker with the vehicles contols to suit your preferrences then it isn't like the player is stuck with a bathtub on wheels. There are 4 cars to begin with: Hornet, Grasshopper, Falcon and Lightning. And also 6 unlockable machines: Unicorn, Red Cat, Pywackett Barchetta, Rule Of The 9th, Javelin and the Paywackett Barchetta Super. Each car has different strengths and weaknesses such as better grip for the Hornet but lacking acceleration, or speed for the Lightning at the cost of handling. Personally the Grasshopper is my most driven car because for me its a decent all rounder.
One albeit very minor grumble are the decals. I wanted to splash my ride with skulls and cheesy go-fast flames but instead am limited to changing only the bodywork colour. Like I say, its not important to the overall game but it would have been nice to see bonnets and doors adorned with crazy designs. But its certainly not a game breaker.
Tracks wise there are 5 accessable from the off: Three Seven Speedway, Dinosaur Canyon, Sea Side Street Galaxy, National Park Speedway and Desert City. These were circuits from the arcade version but Dreamcast has 3 bonus ones: Circuit Pixie, Rin Rin Rink and the figure eight shaped Mermaid Lake.
Each one has their own special features and all provide enough thrills and indeed spills to satisfy everyone. Opponents AI are 'in the zone' so getting ahead of the pack (and staying there) requires steely concentration. Mistakes WILL result in you flying off the road while the rest of the drivers leave you choking in bitter dust.
Daytona USA 2001 is a fantastic racer and surely up there with the Gran Turismos of that era. And it can be picked up for anything between £4 to £8. It can go for more but I think those are more than fair prices. Fabulous Dreamcast title. 9/10

On 9th September 1999, Sega released a new console to an excited public, the now legendary Dreamcast. Many would argue the first in Next Gen visuals, and online gaming, the Dreamcast was overtaken by Playstation2 but never forgotten. To this day, a decade on, it is still a powerful force in the gaming world. This is my tribute to the console and games, where a poet becomes fanboy.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Fur Fighters
Developed by Bizarre Creations and published by Acclaim, Fur Fighters was set loose on the world on September 23rd, 2000. In an effort to step outside your usual 3rd person adventure/shooter, here you took control of a band of 'cutesy' animals packing a LOT of heat who are out to kick General Viggo's furry rump.
It is one of those games which had a 'feel' all of its own and the humour was special too. For example some levels are a comical twist of film titles with places like 'New Quack City' aping the name of the Ice T movie 'New Jack City.' And Viggo's pet Fifi who has a dog's body but the head of a nasty looking bald man. It was touches like these that made it quickly stand out from the usual adventures.
The story is simple; General Viggo has kidnapped the Fur Fighters' babies and hidden them all over the world so the Fighters (there are 6 in all) must search for them, solving puzzles and beating Viggo's henchmen as they go. And to get through this huge game world you will need the different skills that each furry hero posess. For instance reaching those high objects requires Bungalow the kangaroos super jump ability whilst getting to the watery depths, Rico the penguin will step in. (Full character names and abilities below.)
Fur Fighters was made in a time when human voiceovers in games were not widely used (if ever) so instead of hearing the animals speak through an actor, all players hear is a kind of garbled, mumbling voice with subtitles at the bottom in plain english. There are mixed feelings about this but personally I think it gives it much more character and helps extend its unique 'flavour'.
Controls initially take a bit of getting used to because instead of using the Dreamcast controllers left joystick to move, players use the four buttons. (Y to go forward, A to go back, X left and B to move right.) I must admit it took me a while to get the hang of it but once you do it becomes second nature. Indeed I think this was the best control method as the joystick would have made it too fiddly. Too sensitive for accurate movement. And with the shoulder buttons taking care of jumping and shooting it all feels pretty comfortable.
When all is said and done Fur Fighters is a cool title which should appeal to those gamers looking for an adventure of a different style. I picked a copy up for as little as £5 (including postage) and thats a steal for what you get. I'll be honest, I didn't bother with this when it was released because I stupidly took one look at the cover, decided it was a 'kids game' and left it on Electronic Boutique's shelf. Silly boy! A Dreamcast collection is all the more colourful with the Fur Fighters on its side, so grab a copy while they're still selling for the price of a tin of Yum Yums pet food.
List of Fur Fighters:
Roofus - A dog with the speciality of digging holes.
Chang - A firefox who can fit into tiny spaces.
Juliette - A cat, the only female character who can climb walls.
Bungalow - Kangaroo who deals with those high jumps.
Rico - Penguin (sort of) who is able to swim underwater.
Tweek - A little dragon who can glide from great heights.
It is one of those games which had a 'feel' all of its own and the humour was special too. For example some levels are a comical twist of film titles with places like 'New Quack City' aping the name of the Ice T movie 'New Jack City.' And Viggo's pet Fifi who has a dog's body but the head of a nasty looking bald man. It was touches like these that made it quickly stand out from the usual adventures.
The story is simple; General Viggo has kidnapped the Fur Fighters' babies and hidden them all over the world so the Fighters (there are 6 in all) must search for them, solving puzzles and beating Viggo's henchmen as they go. And to get through this huge game world you will need the different skills that each furry hero posess. For instance reaching those high objects requires Bungalow the kangaroos super jump ability whilst getting to the watery depths, Rico the penguin will step in. (Full character names and abilities below.)
Fur Fighters was made in a time when human voiceovers in games were not widely used (if ever) so instead of hearing the animals speak through an actor, all players hear is a kind of garbled, mumbling voice with subtitles at the bottom in plain english. There are mixed feelings about this but personally I think it gives it much more character and helps extend its unique 'flavour'.
Controls initially take a bit of getting used to because instead of using the Dreamcast controllers left joystick to move, players use the four buttons. (Y to go forward, A to go back, X left and B to move right.) I must admit it took me a while to get the hang of it but once you do it becomes second nature. Indeed I think this was the best control method as the joystick would have made it too fiddly. Too sensitive for accurate movement. And with the shoulder buttons taking care of jumping and shooting it all feels pretty comfortable.
When all is said and done Fur Fighters is a cool title which should appeal to those gamers looking for an adventure of a different style. I picked a copy up for as little as £5 (including postage) and thats a steal for what you get. I'll be honest, I didn't bother with this when it was released because I stupidly took one look at the cover, decided it was a 'kids game' and left it on Electronic Boutique's shelf. Silly boy! A Dreamcast collection is all the more colourful with the Fur Fighters on its side, so grab a copy while they're still selling for the price of a tin of Yum Yums pet food.
List of Fur Fighters:
Roofus - A dog with the speciality of digging holes.
Chang - A firefox who can fit into tiny spaces.
Juliette - A cat, the only female character who can climb walls.
Bungalow - Kangaroo who deals with those high jumps.
Rico - Penguin (sort of) who is able to swim underwater.
Tweek - A little dragon who can glide from great heights.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Hydro Thunder
Hydro Thunder was a Sega Dreamcast launch title (September 9th, 1999) developed and published by the fantastic Midway and is a pretty fabulous game in itself. Its a racing game where you pilot a futuristic speedboat through a number of really cool and brilliantly detailed waterways, racing rivals as you go. And believe me, for a title that was released just over ten years ago it STILL packs a great arcade clout.
Shamefully this was another launcher that I missed first time around on the Dreamcast carousel (blame Shenmue) but having recently added it to my collection I have rarely given the disc a chance to stop spinning. Its that good. Every track has its own distinctive features and keep pulling you back for another stab at beating a previous time or better position.
It all looks great and you hardly notice you're playing a decade old game. The boats look good and handle really well. And they even have brilliant names, 'Damn The Torpedo' and 'Mis Behave' spring to mind. The only niggle I could find was when the boats went over ramps or high drops it was impossible to land on dry land due to an invisible wall obviously designed to keep the player on their watery track. Now when racing on good old H20 you don't want to land on the shore, but when flying through the air and obviously heading toward land, it does spoil the experience somewhat to find your boat suddenly bouncing off thin air and returning to the circuit.
Still its nothing drastic and when the rest of the game is so good im not going to knock it for, when it boils down to it, having a rather helpful 'glitch'.
There are 13 circuits in all:
EASY - Thunder Park, Lost Island and Artic Circle (complete with killer whales!)
MEDIUM - Greek Isles, Lake Powell and The Far East
HARD - Ships Graveyard, Venice Canals and New York Disaster
There are 4 tougher BONUS races too but I don't want to spoil the fun by revealing them all. Suffice to say earning them is well worth it. As ive said the detail in each track is pure eye candy, from skull rocks and smoking volcanoes in Lost Island through to the eerie underground section of Lake Powell, it all makes for a thrilling race ro the finish line.
Controls are as easy as an easy pie as they often are in Dreamcast racers and all in all Hydro Thunder is a peach of a game. Plus it goes for around £1 to £3, making it a very tasty peach indeed. Excellent stuff!
**** Check my video out ****
Shamefully this was another launcher that I missed first time around on the Dreamcast carousel (blame Shenmue) but having recently added it to my collection I have rarely given the disc a chance to stop spinning. Its that good. Every track has its own distinctive features and keep pulling you back for another stab at beating a previous time or better position.
It all looks great and you hardly notice you're playing a decade old game. The boats look good and handle really well. And they even have brilliant names, 'Damn The Torpedo' and 'Mis Behave' spring to mind. The only niggle I could find was when the boats went over ramps or high drops it was impossible to land on dry land due to an invisible wall obviously designed to keep the player on their watery track. Now when racing on good old H20 you don't want to land on the shore, but when flying through the air and obviously heading toward land, it does spoil the experience somewhat to find your boat suddenly bouncing off thin air and returning to the circuit.
Still its nothing drastic and when the rest of the game is so good im not going to knock it for, when it boils down to it, having a rather helpful 'glitch'.
There are 13 circuits in all:
EASY - Thunder Park, Lost Island and Artic Circle (complete with killer whales!)
MEDIUM - Greek Isles, Lake Powell and The Far East
HARD - Ships Graveyard, Venice Canals and New York Disaster
There are 4 tougher BONUS races too but I don't want to spoil the fun by revealing them all. Suffice to say earning them is well worth it. As ive said the detail in each track is pure eye candy, from skull rocks and smoking volcanoes in Lost Island through to the eerie underground section of Lake Powell, it all makes for a thrilling race ro the finish line.
Controls are as easy as an easy pie as they often are in Dreamcast racers and all in all Hydro Thunder is a peach of a game. Plus it goes for around £1 to £3, making it a very tasty peach indeed. Excellent stuff!
**** Check my video out ****
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Formula One World Grand Prix
Formula One World Grand Prix was developed and published by Video System and released in Europe on 30th November, 1999. A time when this gamer was fully immersed in all things F1 so this was like a chilled Jagermeister served by Dame Helen Mirren wearing nothing but high heels, but I digress.
To get straight to the point this is one of the best F1 games ive played (ive zipped around a fair few circuits too) and only the lacklustre commentary lets it down. Yes its the legendary Murray Walker, and yes all Formula 1 fans love him (probably) but you get the feeling he was only in the studio for one afternoon for this one. In the main all he tells you is the position you are in. But there is a funny part where dear old Murray tells you, 'try driving on the track!' Should you veer off it and the tone he uses is soaked in total distain for your clumsiness. Absolute class!
The game itself looks great, in fact I gave it a spin last night and was still impressed by it. The rain as soon as you hit Silverstone is pretty neat and proves a real challenge to stay on track provoking lots of outbursts from Walker. Cars all look fine in official livery and sponsor logos and there are 5 camera views to choose (cockpit view all the way for me.)
There are four modes in all: Single Race lets you drive any car on any track, Championship which is the full 1998 season, Time Trial pits you against the clock and Match Race is the multiplayers choice. One cool thing about playing the full season is the weather being the exact conditions they were on the actual race day all those years ago, so if it rained at Silverstone (as per usual) then you'll get the wet stuff in the game too. Neat.
If doing the full 72 laps on the Nurbergring isn't your truck of bananas then you can do 30, 12, 6 or 3 laps but be warned! Opting for anything less than 30 laps robs you of getting into the spirit of the game with all the pit stop strategies (you'll need those to win) and cursing like a rum drunk sailor as one of your cars wheels suddenly gives out.
Obviously the drivers on offer are the '98 breed so its Michael Schumacher, Mika Hakkinen and Johnny Herbert you'll be seeing and not Lewis Hamilton and his chums. But this for me is a good thing as there were more characters in the drivers paddock back then.
The game should please petrolheads too as you are able to tinker with every part of the cars set up. Glad of this too because in default the car can be quite skitty if you're not used to playing F1 games.
All in all its a wonderful title and as I stated above, its one of the best F1 titles ive played. And best news is you can get a copy on auction sites for the same price as a Sunday newspaper. Better fun too. This ones a podium winner.
To get straight to the point this is one of the best F1 games ive played (ive zipped around a fair few circuits too) and only the lacklustre commentary lets it down. Yes its the legendary Murray Walker, and yes all Formula 1 fans love him (probably) but you get the feeling he was only in the studio for one afternoon for this one. In the main all he tells you is the position you are in. But there is a funny part where dear old Murray tells you, 'try driving on the track!' Should you veer off it and the tone he uses is soaked in total distain for your clumsiness. Absolute class!
The game itself looks great, in fact I gave it a spin last night and was still impressed by it. The rain as soon as you hit Silverstone is pretty neat and proves a real challenge to stay on track provoking lots of outbursts from Walker. Cars all look fine in official livery and sponsor logos and there are 5 camera views to choose (cockpit view all the way for me.)
There are four modes in all: Single Race lets you drive any car on any track, Championship which is the full 1998 season, Time Trial pits you against the clock and Match Race is the multiplayers choice. One cool thing about playing the full season is the weather being the exact conditions they were on the actual race day all those years ago, so if it rained at Silverstone (as per usual) then you'll get the wet stuff in the game too. Neat.
If doing the full 72 laps on the Nurbergring isn't your truck of bananas then you can do 30, 12, 6 or 3 laps but be warned! Opting for anything less than 30 laps robs you of getting into the spirit of the game with all the pit stop strategies (you'll need those to win) and cursing like a rum drunk sailor as one of your cars wheels suddenly gives out.
Obviously the drivers on offer are the '98 breed so its Michael Schumacher, Mika Hakkinen and Johnny Herbert you'll be seeing and not Lewis Hamilton and his chums. But this for me is a good thing as there were more characters in the drivers paddock back then.
The game should please petrolheads too as you are able to tinker with every part of the cars set up. Glad of this too because in default the car can be quite skitty if you're not used to playing F1 games.
All in all its a wonderful title and as I stated above, its one of the best F1 titles ive played. And best news is you can get a copy on auction sites for the same price as a Sunday newspaper. Better fun too. This ones a podium winner.
One of the cool things about the Dreamcast was it was one of the first consoles to go online, opening the way for plenty of fantastic multiplayer battles with games like Phantasy Star Online and Quake III. But not only this but gamers were able to access the internet in general and was many peoples first dip of their toes into super highway waters.
The Dreamarena Hub
I remember being very impressed at seeing the Sky News logo appear on my television screen thanks to Sega's little wonder. Ah the joys of experiencing things for the first time! No matter how small it looks today it was always HUGE back then.
My screen name on Dreamarena was Frann but you could create other usernames which led to what was probably the first wave of 'Cyber Transvestites'. You know, those strange types who seem to get a kick out of being the opposite sex on places like Playstation Home. Well Dreamarena had its share of those.
What was cool about it was the different 'lounges' you could join to chat in. And by and large it was a friendly community where people discussed new titles and films, like internet forums we have now. But there was more too with Sega (and other games developers/publishers) hosting competions and give-aways of rare collectables, not to mention up-to-the-minute news regarding anything Sega.
It really was a cool place to hang out and its where I learned internet speak and the first time I had ever heard of LOL (Laughs Out Loud.) There were some good people on it. I wonder if they still go gaga over the Dreamcast?
The Dreamarena Hub
I remember being very impressed at seeing the Sky News logo appear on my television screen thanks to Sega's little wonder. Ah the joys of experiencing things for the first time! No matter how small it looks today it was always HUGE back then.
My screen name on Dreamarena was Frann but you could create other usernames which led to what was probably the first wave of 'Cyber Transvestites'. You know, those strange types who seem to get a kick out of being the opposite sex on places like Playstation Home. Well Dreamarena had its share of those.
What was cool about it was the different 'lounges' you could join to chat in. And by and large it was a friendly community where people discussed new titles and films, like internet forums we have now. But there was more too with Sega (and other games developers/publishers) hosting competions and give-aways of rare collectables, not to mention up-to-the-minute news regarding anything Sega.
It really was a cool place to hang out and its where I learned internet speak and the first time I had ever heard of LOL (Laughs Out Loud.) There were some good people on it. I wonder if they still go gaga over the Dreamcast?
Thursday, 15 July 2010
My Dreamcast Collection
Drum roll. Pipe up the hornpipes and trumpets!

62 games and counting. (Some out of shot.) Im not rushing through this Dreamcast collection by grabbing big bundles of titles at once. I could do it that way as a lot of the games are only £3 a pop if you don't include the Shenmues and Skies Of Arcadias but I want to enjoy building it up slowly, sticking to 2 - 4 games per week and just ambling along taking my sweet time. And by doing it this way I give myself the chance to actually PLAY them one by one, soaking in all their lovliness instead of just swiping all and sticking them on a shelf never to be touched again. Ive never understood collectors who do that. Im collecting to PLAY, not watch dust gather.

Above is one of my Dreamcast consoles flanked by the awesome Shenmue & Shenmue II. I have 3 consoles in all, 2 working and hooked up ready for action and the one I have in the picture on show. I like to have a few hanging around in case one dies on me but knock wood they're all in great shape.
I even have lights around this shelf to illuminate the World's Greatest Console (in my opinion) and good thing too. It deserves its place in the spotlight.
62 games and counting. (Some out of shot.) Im not rushing through this Dreamcast collection by grabbing big bundles of titles at once. I could do it that way as a lot of the games are only £3 a pop if you don't include the Shenmues and Skies Of Arcadias but I want to enjoy building it up slowly, sticking to 2 - 4 games per week and just ambling along taking my sweet time. And by doing it this way I give myself the chance to actually PLAY them one by one, soaking in all their lovliness instead of just swiping all and sticking them on a shelf never to be touched again. Ive never understood collectors who do that. Im collecting to PLAY, not watch dust gather.
Above is one of my Dreamcast consoles flanked by the awesome Shenmue & Shenmue II. I have 3 consoles in all, 2 working and hooked up ready for action and the one I have in the picture on show. I like to have a few hanging around in case one dies on me but knock wood they're all in great shape.
I even have lights around this shelf to illuminate the World's Greatest Console (in my opinion) and good thing too. It deserves its place in the spotlight.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Full PAL Dreamcast List
The X marks the ones I have -
1. 102 Dalmatians: Puppies To The Rescue
2. 18 Wheeler American Pro Tucker X
3. 4 Wheel Thunder X
4. 90 Minutes: Sega Championship Football X
5. Aero Wings
6.Aero Wings 2: Air Strike
7. Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
8. Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
9. Aqua GT
10. Bangai-O
11. Blue Stinger
12. Buggy Heat
13. Bust A Move 4
14. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
15. Caesars Palace 2000
16. Cannon Spike
17. Capcom vs SNK: Millennium Fight 2000
18. Carrier
19. Championship Surfer
20. Charge 'N' Blast X
21. Chicken Run X
22. Chu Chu Rocket! X
23. Coaster Works
24. Confidential Mission
25. Conflict Zone
26. Crazy Taxi X
27. Crazy Taxi 2
28. Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
29. Daytona USA 2001 X
30. Dead or Alive 2
31. Deadly Skies
32. Deep Fighter
33. Dino Crisis
34. Disney's Dinosaur
35. Donald Duck: Quack Attack
36. Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern
37. Dragons Blood
38. Ducati World X
39. Dynamite Cop
40. Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future
41. ECW Anarchy Rulz
42. ECW Hardcore Revolution
43. European Super League
44. Evil Dead: Hail to the King X
45. Evil Twin Cyprien's Chronicles
46. Evolution: The World of Sacred Devices
47. Evolution 2: Far off Promise
48. Exhibition of Speed
49. F1 Racing Championship
50. F1 World Grand Prix X
51. F1 World Grand Prix 2
52. F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa X
53. Fighting Force 2 X
54. Fighting Vipers 2
55. Floigan Brothers: episode one X
56. Freestyle Scooter X
57. Fur Fighters X
58. Gauntlet Legends
59. Giant Killers
60. Giga Wing
61. Grand Theft Auto 2
62. Grandia II
63. Grinch, The
64. Gunbird 2 X
65. Headhunter
66. Heavy Metal Geomatrix
67. Hidden and Dangerous X
68. House of the Dead 2, The X
69. Hydro Thunder X
70. Incoming
71. International Track and Field
72. Iron Aces
73. Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000
74. Jet Set Radio X
75. Jimmy White 2: Cueball
76. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
77. Kao the Kangaroo
78. Kiss Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child X
79. Le Mans 24 Hours
80. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
81. Looney Tunes: Space Racing
82. Magforce Racing
83. Maken
84. Marvel vs Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes X
85. Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes
86. MDK 2
87. Metropolis Street Racer X
88. Midway's Greatest Hits - Volume 1 -
89. Millennium Soldier: Expendable
90. MoHo
91. Mortal Kombat Gold
92. Mr Driller
93. MTV Sports Skateboarding
94. NBA 2K X
95. NBA 2K2
96. NBA Hoopz
97. NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC
98. Next Tetris, The
99. NFL Blitz 2000
100. NFL Quarterback Club 2000
101. NHL 2K
102. Nightmare Creatures 2
103. Nomad Soul, The
104. Outtrigger
105. Pen Pen Triicelon
106. Phantasy Star Online
107. Phantasy Star Online Version 2
108. Planet Ring (*1)
109. Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein
110. POD 2: Multiplayer Online
111. Power Stone X
112. Power Stone 2
113. Pro Pinball Trilogy X
114. Project Justice: Rival Schools 2
115. Psychic Force 2012
116. Quake III Arena X
117. Racing Simulator: Monaco Grand Prix
118. Racing Simulator 2: Monaco Grand Prix Online
119. Railroad Tycoon II
120. Rayman 2: The Great Escape
121. Ready 2 Rumble Boxing X
122. Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 X
123. Record of Lodoss War
124. Red Dog: Superior Firepower
125. Resident Evil 2 X
126. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
127. Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
128. Re-Volt
129. Rez
130. Roadsters
131. Samba De Amigo
132. San Francisco Rush 2049
133. Sega Bass Fishing X
134. Sega Extreme Sports X
135. Sega GT
136. Sega Rally 2 X
137. Sega Swirl
138. Sega Worldwide Soccer 2000
139. Sega Worldwide Soccer 2000: Euro Edition
140. Shadowman X
141. Shenmue X
142. Shenmue 2 X
143. Silent Scope X
144. Silver
145. Skies of Arcadia
146. Slave Zero
147. Sno Cross: Championship Racing
148. Snow Surfers X
149. Soldier of Fortune
150. Sonic Adventure X
151. Sonic Adventure 2
152. Sonic Shuffle
153. Soul Calibur X
154. Soul Fighter X
155.South Park: Chef's Luv Shack
156. South Park Rally
157. Space Channel 5
158. Spawn in the Demon's Hand
159. Spec Ops 2: Omega Squad
160. Speed Devils X
161. Speed Devils Online
162. Spiderman X
163. Spirit of Speed 1937
164. Starlancer
165. Star Wars: Demolition
166. Star Wars: Episode 1 Jedi Power Battles
167. Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
168. Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
169. Street Fighter 3: Double Impact
170. Street Fighter Alpha 3
171. Stunt GP
172. Stupid Invaders
173. Super Magnetic Neo
174. Super Runabout: The Golden State
175. Surf Rocket Racers
176. Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing X
177. Sword of the Berserk: Gut's Rage
178. Sydney 2000 X
179. Taxi - Le Jeu (France Only)
180. Tech Romancer
181. Tee off X
182. Time Stalkers
183. Tokyo Highway Challenge
184. Tokyo Highway Challenge 2
185. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
186. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Rouge Spear X
187. Tomb Raider Chronicles
188. Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation X
189. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
190. Tony Hawk's Skateboarding
191. Toy Commander
192. Toy Racer X
193. Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!
194. Trickstyle X
195. UEFA Dream Soccer
196. UEFA Striker
197. Ultimate Fighting Championship
198. Unreal Tournament
199. Urban Chaos X
200. Vanishing Point
201. Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense
202. Virtua Athlete 2K
203. Virtua Fighters 3 Team Battle
204. Virtua Striker 2 (ver 2000.1)
205. Virtua Tennis X
206. Virtua Tennis 2
207. V-Rally 2 Expert Edition
208. Wacky Racers
209. Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour X
210. Wetrix+
211. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? X
212. Wild Metal
213. Worms Armageddon
214. Worms World Party
215. WWF Attitude X
216. WWF Royal Rumble X
217. Zombie Revenge X
1. 102 Dalmatians: Puppies To The Rescue
2. 18 Wheeler American Pro Tucker X
3. 4 Wheel Thunder X
4. 90 Minutes: Sega Championship Football X
5. Aero Wings
6.Aero Wings 2: Air Strike
7. Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
8. Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
9. Aqua GT
10. Bangai-O
11. Blue Stinger
12. Buggy Heat
13. Bust A Move 4
14. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
15. Caesars Palace 2000
16. Cannon Spike
17. Capcom vs SNK: Millennium Fight 2000
18. Carrier
19. Championship Surfer
20. Charge 'N' Blast X
21. Chicken Run X
22. Chu Chu Rocket! X
23. Coaster Works
24. Confidential Mission
25. Conflict Zone
26. Crazy Taxi X
27. Crazy Taxi 2
28. Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
29. Daytona USA 2001 X
30. Dead or Alive 2
31. Deadly Skies
32. Deep Fighter
33. Dino Crisis
34. Disney's Dinosaur
35. Donald Duck: Quack Attack
36. Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern
37. Dragons Blood
38. Ducati World X
39. Dynamite Cop
40. Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future
41. ECW Anarchy Rulz
42. ECW Hardcore Revolution
43. European Super League
44. Evil Dead: Hail to the King X
45. Evil Twin Cyprien's Chronicles
46. Evolution: The World of Sacred Devices
47. Evolution 2: Far off Promise
48. Exhibition of Speed
49. F1 Racing Championship
50. F1 World Grand Prix X
51. F1 World Grand Prix 2
52. F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa X
53. Fighting Force 2 X
54. Fighting Vipers 2
55. Floigan Brothers: episode one X
56. Freestyle Scooter X
57. Fur Fighters X
58. Gauntlet Legends
59. Giant Killers
60. Giga Wing
61. Grand Theft Auto 2
62. Grandia II
63. Grinch, The
64. Gunbird 2 X
65. Headhunter
66. Heavy Metal Geomatrix
67. Hidden and Dangerous X
68. House of the Dead 2, The X
69. Hydro Thunder X
70. Incoming
71. International Track and Field
72. Iron Aces
73. Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000
74. Jet Set Radio X
75. Jimmy White 2: Cueball
76. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
77. Kao the Kangaroo
78. Kiss Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child X
79. Le Mans 24 Hours
80. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
81. Looney Tunes: Space Racing
82. Magforce Racing
83. Maken
84. Marvel vs Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes X
85. Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes
86. MDK 2
87. Metropolis Street Racer X
88. Midway's Greatest Hits - Volume 1 -
89. Millennium Soldier: Expendable
90. MoHo
91. Mortal Kombat Gold
92. Mr Driller
93. MTV Sports Skateboarding
94. NBA 2K X
95. NBA 2K2
96. NBA Hoopz
97. NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC
98. Next Tetris, The
99. NFL Blitz 2000
100. NFL Quarterback Club 2000
101. NHL 2K
102. Nightmare Creatures 2
103. Nomad Soul, The
104. Outtrigger
105. Pen Pen Triicelon
106. Phantasy Star Online
107. Phantasy Star Online Version 2
108. Planet Ring (*1)
109. Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein
110. POD 2: Multiplayer Online
111. Power Stone X
112. Power Stone 2
113. Pro Pinball Trilogy X
114. Project Justice: Rival Schools 2
115. Psychic Force 2012
116. Quake III Arena X
117. Racing Simulator: Monaco Grand Prix
118. Racing Simulator 2: Monaco Grand Prix Online
119. Railroad Tycoon II
120. Rayman 2: The Great Escape
121. Ready 2 Rumble Boxing X
122. Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 X
123. Record of Lodoss War
124. Red Dog: Superior Firepower
125. Resident Evil 2 X
126. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
127. Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
128. Re-Volt
129. Rez
130. Roadsters
131. Samba De Amigo
132. San Francisco Rush 2049
133. Sega Bass Fishing X
134. Sega Extreme Sports X
135. Sega GT
136. Sega Rally 2 X
137. Sega Swirl
138. Sega Worldwide Soccer 2000
139. Sega Worldwide Soccer 2000: Euro Edition
140. Shadowman X
141. Shenmue X
142. Shenmue 2 X
143. Silent Scope X
144. Silver
145. Skies of Arcadia
146. Slave Zero
147. Sno Cross: Championship Racing
148. Snow Surfers X
149. Soldier of Fortune
150. Sonic Adventure X
151. Sonic Adventure 2
152. Sonic Shuffle
153. Soul Calibur X
154. Soul Fighter X
155.South Park: Chef's Luv Shack
156. South Park Rally
157. Space Channel 5
158. Spawn in the Demon's Hand
159. Spec Ops 2: Omega Squad
160. Speed Devils X
161. Speed Devils Online
162. Spiderman X
163. Spirit of Speed 1937
164. Starlancer
165. Star Wars: Demolition
166. Star Wars: Episode 1 Jedi Power Battles
167. Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
168. Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
169. Street Fighter 3: Double Impact
170. Street Fighter Alpha 3
171. Stunt GP
172. Stupid Invaders
173. Super Magnetic Neo
174. Super Runabout: The Golden State
175. Surf Rocket Racers
176. Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing X
177. Sword of the Berserk: Gut's Rage
178. Sydney 2000 X
179. Taxi - Le Jeu (France Only)
180. Tech Romancer
181. Tee off X
182. Time Stalkers
183. Tokyo Highway Challenge
184. Tokyo Highway Challenge 2
185. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
186. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Rouge Spear X
187. Tomb Raider Chronicles
188. Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation X
189. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
190. Tony Hawk's Skateboarding
191. Toy Commander
192. Toy Racer X
193. Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!
194. Trickstyle X
195. UEFA Dream Soccer
196. UEFA Striker
197. Ultimate Fighting Championship
198. Unreal Tournament
199. Urban Chaos X
200. Vanishing Point
201. Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense
202. Virtua Athlete 2K
203. Virtua Fighters 3 Team Battle
204. Virtua Striker 2 (ver 2000.1)
205. Virtua Tennis X
206. Virtua Tennis 2
207. V-Rally 2 Expert Edition
208. Wacky Racers
209. Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour X
210. Wetrix+
211. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? X
212. Wild Metal
213. Worms Armageddon
214. Worms World Party
215. WWF Attitude X
216. WWF Royal Rumble X
217. Zombie Revenge X
Monday, 5 July 2010
Sydney 2000
Developed by Attention To Detail and published by Eidos Interactive, Sydney 2000 was released in that year to coincide with the olympic games that were happening in Australia at the time. Players could compete in 12 events; 100m Sprint, 110m Hurdle, Javelin, Hammer, Triple Jump, High Jump, Skeet Shooting, Weight Lifting, 100m Freestyle Swimming, 10m Platform Diving, Chase Cycling and Kayak K1 Slalom.
Missed it ten years ago but having just played it after getting my paws on a copy I must say that for me its a fun little title. And what with the inclusion of events like diving and skeet shooting the action isn't all on the running track which I found pretty refreshing. Looks wise its not at all shabby, and eventhough some of the characters can be a tad blocky at times it doesn't detract from an otherwise good looking game. All events have television style commentary and replays to watch your world record beater over and over and quite honestly Sydney 2000 is THE best olympic games title ive played. (And ive played a few!)
Controls are the standard button mashing but with diving, weight lifting and skeet shooting there is a need for precision and timing. For example in diving the player selects which dive to perform from a list and must press the correct coloured button during the dive to pull it off with any success. Its a simple but effective way to do it and is very satisfying when one nails it perfectly. On the whole the contols work well and even the hammer, an event which some olypic games titles make frustrating, is made with little fuss.
A downside to Sydney 2000 is the Kayak K1 Slalom. The water looks like running cement and trying to manouver the kayak through all the gates is like attempting to look at your own forehead without a mirror. I found it all but impossible.
Still its only one event out of twelve and thankfully all others are great fun to play.
There is an Arcade mode as well as the Olympic mode so if a quick bash at the 100m Sprint is your thing without having the fuss of qualifying in the full game then you are free to do so. And its just as rewarding whatever mode you opt for.
Best news of all however is that this game can be picked up for beans on the auction sites which means an absolute bargain even without the kayak.
Missed it ten years ago but having just played it after getting my paws on a copy I must say that for me its a fun little title. And what with the inclusion of events like diving and skeet shooting the action isn't all on the running track which I found pretty refreshing. Looks wise its not at all shabby, and eventhough some of the characters can be a tad blocky at times it doesn't detract from an otherwise good looking game. All events have television style commentary and replays to watch your world record beater over and over and quite honestly Sydney 2000 is THE best olympic games title ive played. (And ive played a few!)
Controls are the standard button mashing but with diving, weight lifting and skeet shooting there is a need for precision and timing. For example in diving the player selects which dive to perform from a list and must press the correct coloured button during the dive to pull it off with any success. Its a simple but effective way to do it and is very satisfying when one nails it perfectly. On the whole the contols work well and even the hammer, an event which some olypic games titles make frustrating, is made with little fuss.
A downside to Sydney 2000 is the Kayak K1 Slalom. The water looks like running cement and trying to manouver the kayak through all the gates is like attempting to look at your own forehead without a mirror. I found it all but impossible.
Still its only one event out of twelve and thankfully all others are great fun to play.
There is an Arcade mode as well as the Olympic mode so if a quick bash at the 100m Sprint is your thing without having the fuss of qualifying in the full game then you are free to do so. And its just as rewarding whatever mode you opt for.
Best news of all however is that this game can be picked up for beans on the auction sites which means an absolute bargain even without the kayak.
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